What is this website about?

This is a website devoted to the history of LRY (Liberal Religious Youth), YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists) and predecessor youth groups. As a new website, content is sparse but new material is being regularly added (see the What's New page).

This website also hopes to archive the voices of these UUA youth groups, so we may benefit from their experience, knowledge and reflections. Indeed, that was the inspiration for the creation of the website. If there is response, then the website will grow. Time will tell as to whether or not it will serve in a meaningful manner.

Check out the What's New page for a timeline of additions of submissions and changes made.


First, the disclaimer.

This website is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association).

Are you a forum?

No. This website's function is not to serve as a forum for interactive discussion. It is a static rather than php website and so is not set up to have such features as commenting.

Then what are you?

Hopefully, this website will develop into a kind of historical archive. The purpose of it is to provide an ingathering of experience, of recollections and reflections of individuals who participated in the alphabet soup of various, self-determining UU youth groups over the years (LRY - Liberal Religious Youth, YRUU - Young Religious Unitarian Universalists). All who care to contribute are welcome, both youth members and adults who served as advisors, and individuals who may have been participants of the youth groups but were not themselves UU. Between us all, there are generations of knowledge and hundreds of years of experience. Much merits preservation and our collective consideration.

Have you a method?

Yes. A questionnaire has been loosely developed, which may change over time. The intention of the questionnaire is to provide some basic, useful information, jumping off points, and to nudge individuals to think about aspects of their participation that may otherwise be overlooked. For instance, did one come from a UU household or not? And if not, how did one come to be associated with the youth group? Did one feel one's experience impacted one's later years or not? Some questions are geared to get a sense of context of the influence of the broader generation and geographical location. Certainly, the hope is that one will not keep to simply answering the questionnaire but expand upon it with reflections, recollections and insights.

Where is the questionnaire?

It is currently up on the about page.

Can I say anything I please?

The hope is that the questionnaire will be used as a basic guide so that a fundamental portrait is given. Please, add to it as you will. If some questions are absolutely irrelevant to you then ignore them. Your contribution need not be in question and answer form. Ultimately, compose your contribution, your story as you see fit.

Some will have had rewarding experiences. Some won't have. Some will have a mixture of feelings. Some will have major beefs but often, it seems, these are due their affection for their time in a youth group. Express yourself and your poetic heart but please endeavor to frame strong opinions in a civil manner. This is the internet and whatever you put up here is for public consumption, so exercise judicious discretion even if you prefer to be anonymous.

Can I be an anonymous contributor?

If you prefer you may go by your initials.

What about naming names of others?

We should please use initials for others when relating things of a personal rather than an official or administrative or public personnae capacity, even though you may be writing about a friend. This site is intended for the relation of our own experiences rather than those of others. Have I worded this adequately?

My time in a youth group or service to it spans more than one decade. You are right now separating according to decade. Where do I belong?

You're special. If you were a youth then either you'll go in both decades or in the predominant one. If you were an advisor then you'll go in the appropriate decades or the predominant one.

How do I make a submission?

See the contact page. Simply send your submission via email to me at the contact address. I would prefer email over a word doc.

I like this idea. How can I help?

Contact others who might be interested and direct them this way.