Supplemental Writings

Young People's Christian Union written by James D. Tillinghast in 1893 for The Columbian Congress of the Universalist Church: Papers and Addresses at the Congress, held as a Section of the World's Congress Auxiliary of the Columbian Exposition. A brief history.

An Historical Sketch of the Y.P.C.U., by Miss Emma M. Slocum. From Onward Volume 13, No. 29, pg. 231, July 17 1906. A paper read in Pawtucket on Young People's Day.

Enthusiasm An address to the Michigan State Convention made by Mary E. Munger and published in the YPCU's journal, Onward, in 1908. Commentary on adult dismissal of youth and its affect on youth interest in involvment.

The Local Group: More Than Fooling Around by Peter Baldwin. From Volume 3, Issue 3 May 1966 of "The Promethean". On the benefits of LRY's organized chaos.

The Joe Taco Syndrome, by Adam Auster, an editorial from the first volume, first issue of People Soup, Nov/Dec 1973

A Short Subjective History of the Unitarian and Universalist Youth Movements by the Rev'd. C. Leon Hopper Jr., presented to the LRY Advisor's Meeting in Chicago, May 12, 1963, and augmented in June of 1964. Thanks to Leon Hopper and Eric Kaminetzky for the PDF. Active in American Unitarian Youth from 1946 to 1952, serving two years as president, Leon was also the executive director of LRY from 1957 to 1963. In 2003, he was a speaker for the "Youth Leadership: Our Legacy, Our Future - Panel on LRY and YRUU history".

Children of a Different Tribe, by Sharon Hwang Colligan, from her website, with permission. On UU youth and adults as "chldren of a different tribe", and UU young adult developmental issues with bridging the "cliff" as they aged out of YRUU into UU. Originally presented June 26th, 2000. at the UUA General Assembly in Nashville, TN.