The Governing Part
A little red dot at the beginning of an entry signals when that entry is available for download or reading onsite or has its own page onsite.
SCOYP (Special Committee on Youth Prgrams) 1977 - The original doc was produced for the web by Lorne Tyndale and salvaged by from Lorne's YRUU on the Web. I am placing the material here as the site seems to be down. DESCRIPTION: In recent years there has been a growing concern over the lack of support for youth progrnmming in the Unitarian Universalist denomination. In 1976 members of the Continental LRY Executive Committee became acutely aware of these inadequacies and, as a result of their proposal, the UUA Board of Trustees in April, 1976, voted to establish a Special Committee on Youth Programs (SCOYP) with the following charge: " . . . to study the existing youth programs in the denomination, including LRY, and to make proposals, including budget proposals, to the Board as to the best ways for the UUA to develop, offer and support programs for youth generally of high school age."
Common Ground 1, 1981 - The original doc was produced for the web by Lorne Tyndale and salvaged by from Lorne's YRUU on the Web. appears to be down so I am placing the material here.
Common Ground 2, 1982 - The original doc was produced for the web by Lorne Tyndale and salvaged by from Lorne's YRUU on the Web. appears to be down so I am placing the material here.
5 Year Review, 1989 - This is an off-site link to Please let me know if it goes down. The original doc was produced for the web by Lorne Tyndale and salvaged by from Lorne's YRUU on the Web. appears to be down so I am placing the material here. DESCRIPTION: In June 1987, pursuant to proposals from the Religious Education Advisory Committee and the YRUU Steering Committee, the UUA Board of Trustees initiated a review of the first five years of YRUU. The work of the Five-Year Review Committee, unlike SCOYP'S, is not occasioned by despair or crisis, which, in itself, says something about the success of Common Ground in renewing youth programs in the UUA. Ours is a routine evaluation; we hope others like it will happen regularly in the future. Our charge is as follows: (1) To conduct a review of YRUU in the context of all UU programs for youth, in consultation with the YRUU Steering Committee; (2) To include in this review a study of YRUU history, promise, progress, present concerns, and future directions; (3) To analyze how YRUU relates to the UUA, to the Religious Education Department, and to other youth programs in terms of organizational structure, responsibility, etc.; (4) To analyze the relationship between YRUU's structure and its function and purpose; (5) To make recommendations for the maintenance and improvement of youth programming.
15 Year Review - On-site. DESCRIPTION: The Youth Programs Review Committee (YPRC) was created in the fall of 1995 by the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA Board) at the request of the Youth Council of Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) and charged to: (1) Determine the current progress of YRUU at the continental, district and local levels and give recommendations for changes that would better meet the needs and purposes of Unitarian Universalist youth; (2) Evaluate and report on all aspects of continental youth programming, services, resources, Religious Education curricula, training (especially for advisors), and publications including Synapse, The Spider and The Youth Advisory; (3) Evaluate annual events such as Con-Con and Youth Council' (4)Deliver a report by June of 1997.