Youth Group Publications

A little red dot at the beginning of an entry signals when that entry is available for download or reading onsite or has its own page onsite.

Onward. The Young People's Christian Union, an early youth group on the Universalist side, produced Onward, the Journal of the Universalist Young People from the late 19th century to 1945. A number of whole volumes are online.

Youth Leader. This periodical was the official UYF (Universalist Youth Fellowship)>LRY publication from 1948 to 1963 (?). Archives are at Harvard Divinity School's Andover-Harvard Theological Library. There are no restrictions on access to the collection which can only be viewed at the library by appointment. They aren't digitized.

LRY Advisor's Handbook, 1955, project of the Joint Youth Activities Committee. In order to coordinate LRY work with the two adult groups -- the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America -- the JYAC was set up. Each adult denomination appointed four members and the LRY two members to this committee. The JYAC assisted LRY in crisis situations, provided a liaison with the two denominations, and assisted in various projects. It also set a representative to attend and observe the LRY Council Meetings and the Convention. View and download the handbook.

Promethean, February 1964 thru Jan 1968 at Harvard. Several issues are available here.

Newspaper Without a Name and Nameless Newsprint. The Newspaper Without a Name was an "independent journal of and by youth, sponsored by Liberal Religious Youth of the Unitarian Universalist Association." Nameless Newsprint was a "publication sponsored and owned by Liberal Religious Youth, Inc." Based on the Volume and Issue numbers, it appears Newspaper Without a Name was published 1968 and Nameless Newsprint followed in 69-70. Several issues are available here.

People Soup Issues. A publication of LRY from 1973 to 1982. Go to the index of Volumes I thru X.

Synapse Issues. Synapse was a publication of YRUU from 1983 to 2006. Volumes I-XXIV are on site with only several issues missing. Go to the index of issues..

A Packet of LRY Programs, 1976. Produced by Beverly Hendricks. View and download the materials in the packet.

LRY Local Group and Conference Planning Handbook, 1978. Produced by the LRY home office at 25 Beacon Street. View and download the handbook.

Youth Advisor's Handbook: A Resource for YRUU Advisors, was authored by Shell Tain and published by the UUA. The cover reads, A youth advisor since 1990, Shell Tain has served as an advisor for the local youth group in Walnut Creak, California; on a district Youth/Adult Committee for the Pacific Central District YRUU Council and as an adult representative to the continental YRUU Youth Council. She was elected as the adult membmer of the YRUU Steering Committee for 1993 to 1994, has been a staff member at the YRUU Continental Conference and is a trained leader for leadership develoment conferences. Shell Tain is currently a member of the First Unitarian Church of Oakland, California. 63 pages long, this book was first published in 1996 and appears to have been reissued in 2003. It's no longer in print and hard copies of it are selling on the web for absurdly inflated amounts. A so-called book-selling site called appears to have a copy for download but what that site does is download an executable file to your computer of a nasty virus called PUP.Optional.InstallMonetizer. Don't go anywhere near it. Just warning you. A preview of the book is available on Google. Off-site link It is also at these libraries.

Song Books

Praise and Thanks, a Hymn Book for the Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist Church by Grace F. White, copyright 1903. Grace F. White was an editor of the YPCU's journal Onward. View the song book.

LRY Song book 1962 produced by the Greater Washington Area Federation of LRY for the 1962 Summer Conference of the Middle Atlantic Regional Council of Liberal Religious Youth. View and download the song book.

Song book for the LRY Ohio Valley Federation, Triangle Club of All Souls Unitarian Church. 1964-66. View and download the song book.

Materials Generated by Youth Group Conferences

The L.R.Y. Record was recorded at the 1968 Continental Conference at St. Johns College in 1968 and released by Mike Smeltzer. Listen to it here, view cover art and credits and read the dedication.


General Assembly 2003: 2101 Youth Leadership: Our Legacy, Our Future - Panel on LRY and YRUU history, Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of LRY, and the 20th Year of the youth group renewal as YRUU. A transcript of speakers Chuck Rosene, Leon Hopper, Richard Kassow, Wayne Arnason, Adam Auster, Nada Velimirovic, Rebecca Scott, Maura McGill, and the question and answer period. Read the transcript.