A Packet of LRY Programs, 1976

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The handbook comes to this website via Nina West who received it from Ed Inman. They were in photocopy form. I scanned the pages for the web at 125 dpi in order to conserve bandwidth.


The 62 page handbook was a publication of the home office of LRY, produced by Beverly Hendricks. Her introduction reads:


What you are looking at, is a packet of L.R.Y. pgrograms. The purpose of this packet is to be a resource for planning local group meetings, conference workshops, and worship services. We, who put this packet together, hope that it will be used only as an idea book, and not something to build a local group around or base an entire conference on.

This packet is the result of input from many people. Some people helped me with this packet without knowing it. Other people who helped me, knew all too well.

Two people who knew all too well that they helped, are Lou Diehl, who did all of the typing and has been my partner throughout this _________ (fill in the blank) experience, and Carlotta Woolcock, who answered a lot of my questions and taught Lou and I how to use the equipment (not including the typewriter, which is Lou's baby). A special thanks goes to Gay Veit, Lynn Rubenstein Knight, Jennifer Shaw, Maggie Dale, and Danny Pentlarge. They did a lot of writing before I got here, which has been very helpful

Some people who don't know that they helped me, helped me back in March, 1972, when they put together the L.R.Y. Theater Games Workshop Packet, which this packet is making defunct. I was also assisted in April, 1975, when the L.R.Y. Recycled Programs Packet was produced. The Recycled Programs Packet is also being made defunct by this packet.

I would also like to thank the Unitarian Universalist Association Committee on Aging for the guided fantasys we used from their Aging and Awareness packet, Cathy Carney for her guided fantasy, and the University Associates for their structured experiences.

I am very happy to have had the opportunity to coordinate, and help put this packet out. I have felt a need for something like this for a long time, especially when I started to help plan meetings and conferences for my own local group. I have had a good time working on this packet, and I hope that you will find this to be useful material.

Beverly Hendricks
June 6, 1976

Table of Contents

Games, Intellectual and Inspirational Experiences, etc.
Guided Fantasy
University Associates

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