Common Ground II

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Appendix D

The 1982 Unitarian Universalist Youth Assembly


(Adopted by the UUA Board of Trustees, January 1982)

VOTED: That alcohol and illegal drugs be prohibited at UUA sponsored or financed youth events.

VOTED: That sexual intercourse and patently sexual behavior between participants under the age of eighteen be prohibited at UUA sponsored or financed youth events. This recommendation is prompted by the following consideration:

  • The UUA recognizes its responsibility to the parents of youth conference participants who are under a legal age of majority. We are also concerned that our youth conferences be as inclusive as possible. Although sexuality is certainly something to be valued and developed in persons of all ages, the variance in readiness for sexual relationships among youth can make patently sexual activity at conferences awkward and difficult for all. Indeed, patently sexual activity by participants of any age detract from our goal of inclusiveness at conferences.

VOTED: That separate housing arrangements shall be provided for males and females under the age of eighteen or for others upon request, at all UUA sponsored or financed youth events. Adequate adult supervision shall be provided when this is not feasible.

* * * * *

Inappropriate or offensive behavior may result in participants being asked to leave the Assembly. A Conference Affairs Committee consisting of one administrative staff person, two adult and three youth delegates will be established to make judgements in all disciplinary matters.

We expect that all delegates and staff persons will practice self-restraint and discretion in their behavior. We also expect that quiet be maintained at night and that each person will insure that he or she gets adequate rest in order to perform the work of the Assembly. All are expected to attend the working sessions and to remain on campus throughout the duration of the gathering.

Overall, we hope that we will be guided by the old maxim, "In order for mutual respect to prevail, courtesy must flow in both directions."

* * * * *

I have read the Behavior Policies for the Unitarian Universalist Youth Assembly of 1982, and I understand the consequences of violation thereof.

Date _____________ Delegate Name (Please Print)_________________
Signature of Delegate _______________ Youth __________ Adult _____


Translated from the original text document to HTML by Lorne Tyndale, YRUU Programmes Specialist September 1993 - August 1994. The document was on I have placed the document on this site as I've been notified that appears to be down.

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