People Soup Issues - Volume I
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The hard work of scanning these issues and putting them in a convenient PDF format for the web was done by Ed Inman. Ed notes, As a matter of full disclosure, while my People Soup collection was about 90 percent complete in 1996 when I set about to archive it, it was only through the efforts of former LRY Tacos Paul Pigman and Kathryn Price Nicdhàna as well as 1996-97 YRUU YPS David Taylor that I was able to find several missing issues & make it complete.
All issues are in PDF format.
![]() | Volume I, Issue 1, November/December 1973. 8 pages. Cover Art by Bev Treumann. Staff: Adam Auster, Matthew Easton, Peter Nalven, Paula Rose, Beverly Yaegar. Reaction to All-Church Mailing; uncredited comic; SA Program Reaches into Grassroots; Personals from Liz Ferry, and from Joe to Matt; Milkweed Children; The Oil Shortage by Terry Franklin, Boston; Impression XXII by Layni Martin TOAK Fed.; Watergate Prosecutor Jawoski Linked to CIA Money; The Joe Taco Syndrome by Adam Auster; The Comet by George Lippman; San Francisco, Keep on Trumpin' by Peter "No Trump" Nalven; Last Minute Notes |
![]() | Volume I, Issue 2, January 1974. 8 pages. Cover Art by John Lustig; Board Follies by Margaret Blattman; LRY Board Meets; Board's Point of View Waste of Time? by Bob Del, NERO; Apricot Rice Pudding by Linda MacDonald; Letters from Kyle K. Knapp, Dana, Susan; Classifieds; Captain Liberal Comic; Thai Students Revolt; Boston is Really Great, by Joe (uh) Taco; Hydrogen Avenue - The Stillness of Social Change, poem by Shannon Vance; The Energy Squeeze on You by Andrew Velonis (JAF); The LRY Energy Crisis by Wind Creek; Advisor's Conflict by Linda Brown; Our Community; Social Actions Notes; Paper Going Broke; Rowe Reunion; LRY Meets UMCYM; G.A. |
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Volume I, Issue 3, February 1974. 12 pages. Cover Art by Stephen R. Wilcox; GEE A...?; Smokey The Bear Sutra, credit WIN magazine; Personals, Ellen Bruce, Bunny to OVF, Layni of TOAK to Jim Munroe of Starr King, Rabbits Anonymous to Hello Banana, Richard Tauber, Layni to Bev, Lavni Martin, Adam, Posies to WeeWillie, JTB from MAF, Jo D., P.J.; Taco's Believe it or Not comic; And Again We Plead; Editorials; Nero Reborn? by Peter Nalven; A Word on the New Community by Richard Tauber; National Efficiency Contest by Andrew Velonis; AIM Celebrates First Anniversary; UUSC Project; The Great International People Poll; Pro-File: Matthew Easton, Peter, Paula Rose, Adam Auster; Dope Games People Play; Advisor/LRY Contract by Floyd Doughty; SRL Fiddles While Comet Burns (Out); ABC Cans Cavett; Social Actions; AIM Calls Election a Farce; Still Time to be Listed; Sexism/Sexualism Workshop Wanted; Know Any Good Resource Groups?; selections of poetry from Need I Go 'round Bittersweet by Mindi Vosseller; IRF Brings in New Year by Wayne Arnason; High School by John Schaller from Workforce Magazine; Big Brother Watching Draftees by Joan Sherman, from Peacework. |
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Volume I, Issue 4, March 1974. 8 pages. Cover art by Fred Gleason; Fieldtripper's Journal by Adam Auster; The Night They Raided UNI's by Laura Gottshall; Rowe Camp; Comic; Letters from Bill Cameron and Harold K. Shelley and Stephanie Kornfeld; Fed. Ups and Downs; Personals: Lauri Knight (Pearl), Layni Martin, Milkweed Children to Willard, C.H. to D.L., Celeste to Olympia Marc; Work Camps; The Pentagon, poem by Cathy Carney; LAC; 3000 Demonstrated Against Nixon in Chicago While Nixon Talks to Businessmen at the Conpad Hilton; Attention all Guitar and Music Enthusiasts by Timmer; Programming; Kiwi by Terry Franklin; I'm So Tired. |
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Volume I, Issue 5, April 1974. 12 pages. John Doe Has Been Kidnapped by Wendell Finner; I Can't Relate Unles You Affiliate; Outsiders Review North Star Conference; Our Bodies Ourselves Banned from High School Class; New LRY T-Shirt; U.S. Lags on Great Lakes Cleanup; Fed. Ups and Downs; Letters from Sheila Collins, Karen Baker, Stephen R. Wilcox, Drew Derby and Ben Alexander; Classified from Bev Treumann; Personals; LRYers Through History; Bowl-Ful; Advisor on LRY by Scott Herrick; Letters from Laurie Hutton and Bill Cameron; Personals: Ladies of Alfred to Rupert, Bunny Rabbit, Milkweed Children, David R. of Chgo to Meg F, Matthew to David; Saigon Prisoner: A Case Study; A Morning in the Life of George Washington by Ben Alexander; The Truth About Kent State, book review by Adam Auster; Ambassador to Saigon Urges Senator Not Be Given "Honest" Answer About U.S. Involvement There; GM in Nazis War Effort; 100 Vietnam Vets Protest Nixon's "Vietnam Veteran's Day"; But What Does an LRY Advisor Do??? I Asked... by Betty Adams; Nero Springthink by Wayne Forrester; Local Group and Federation Experience, Ohio Valley Federation, by Bunny Kuhns. |
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Volume I, Issue 6, 1974. 12 pages. The Power of You to Change Society by Carol Likins; Muzak as Big Business; Non-LRY by Adam Auster; Continental Conference 1974 at Camp U-HOPE; Comic: Boxes by R. Crumb; SUNCO Conference Experiment by Emmy; Wanted; Letters from B. Stone and C. Taylor, Susan McCoy of Sunco, Libby; Classified: Ann Gillespie, Emily Nalven, Mark Dohner, Kitty, Susan McCoy, Mark D. to Mary Chapman, Mark of Big D, TX to Barbara of Ft. Lauderdale; Non-Flesh Protein, Anyone? by Mark Dohner; Reminiscence by Steven R. Wilcox; King Arthur;s Court Illustration by LMR; Born Sad, poem by Andrew Morgan; New L.R.Y. Symbol by Peter Nalven; Black and white pencil drawin, by J. H. Brown; Drawn Symbols by Susan Marker; Drawing by V. Welford; Drawing by Doug Alexander; Drawing by Sam Mills; Drawing by Lisa Martin; Drawing by Heather MacLeod; Drawing by Layni Martin; Drawing by Carol Knpapp; Drawing by Andrmeedeus; Drawing by Rob Campbell; CMF Spring Conference by Marissa Zwick; Fed. Ups and Downs; Poetry by Ellen Bruce; READ (on extreme budget cut and office moves); Head of Chilean Junta "Unwanted" by Buenos Aires; Poem by Reena Shimp; Affiliation; Reflections on a Local; The "Demo" Demonstration by Ken Dermota of DVF; Spotlight on Nixon; Report Reveals Tapes Contain Ethnic Slurs, Nixon Called Sirica "Wop", Others "Jew Boys"; How Much Does Nixon Pay for Health Care. |
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Volume I, Issue 7, July 15 1974. 8 pages. Youth Caucus at Unitarian-Universalist General Assembly, New York; G.A. Chronicles, Musings of a GA First-Timer, by Jim March; GA Soup by David Cheesman; Letters from Alex Schartz, Rupert Degruchy, Julee Matousek, Billy; The Soy Seeds, poem by Arlee Barr; Personals: Barbara Lee, Jem Warnock, Julee, Bob deLaubenfels; More Letters, from Kim, from Concerned LRYers; Photo of Liane Mackayle and friends by Rob Fellows or Bob deLaubenfels; List of Bluegrass Festivals; Is the Draft Coming Back by Karl Kharas; Stonewall Riots, Roots of Gay Pride; Gay Pride Week Celebrated; One of the Projects of the Central Midwest Federation, Alex Schwartz; Rules aren't Necessary for Silver Spring Local by Esther Erkman; The LRY Clearinghouse and the Eight Week Conference, Rob Fellows; On Waiting in the Desert at Night for a Bus, Which Has Broken Down, To Be Fixed, poem by Carol Suzanne Lashof; Ode to a Bathmat, poem by Deanna Lewis; Reflections on a Picketing A&P, poem by Sunsan Fabrick; Photo of Cynthia Taylor by Barb Stone; Fed. Ups & Downs; More Things About the Clearinghouse That I Forgot; Camp New Hope registration. |