People Soup Issues - Volume IV
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The hard work of scanning these issues and putting them in a convenient PDF format for the web was done by Ed Inman. Ed notes, As a matter of full disclosure, while my People Soup collection was about 90 percent complete in 1996 when I set about to archive it, it was only through the efforts of former LRY Tacos Paul Pigman and Kathryn Price Nicdhàna as well as 1996-97 YRUU YPS David Taylor that I was able to find several missing issues & make it complete.
All issues are in PDF format.
All issues of People Soup are © copyright Liberal Religious Youth in the respective year of their issue
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Volume IV, Issue 1, 1976. 12 pages. Cover, Carol Thornton. Staff: Emile Blattman, Andy Hansen, David Flint, Paul Pigman, Tom Lewis, Bob D. Jennifer Shaw, Jenny Lane, Doug Webb. Art Credits: Carol Thornton, Cathy Carney, Retta Hendricks, Luci Hagen, Ian Conway, Jay Lottie, Jenny Lane, Wendy, Bev Hendricks, Sarah Hagen. Michigan and Mediocrity, by Mark H. Smith. Letters. Book Review, Growing Up Gay. Stare Down. A Travel Guide. Biofeedback Monitor. I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus, 76-77 Executive Committee. Boards Representative Process. LRY's Purposes. Clearinghouse. Fed's Ups and Downs. Expenditures. Organize A Political Study Group. The Two of Us, by Jonathon Fletcher. LRWhat? Andy's Sermon. Song of the Mourning Dove, Jenny Lane. Touching, Eric Eilerson. Letter. |
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Volume IV, Issue 2, 1976. 8 pages. Cover by Cathy Carney. Staff: Andy Hansen, Paul Pigman, Emilie Blattman, Doug Webb. Art Credits: Jenny Lane, Carol Thornton, Paul Pigman, N.C. Anvil. Personals. Biofeedback. Clearinghouse. Power for the Powerless. No Soup, Eggplant, Emilie Blattman and Handy Hansen. If You Want To Keep Getting People Soup, Affiliate! Federation Map. Feds Ups and Downs. Liaisons. Me And My Boss, by Liv. |
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Volume IV, Issue 3, 1977. 20 pages. Cover: Jennifer Lane. Staff: Andy Hansen, Lou Diehl, Doug Webb, Bob Davis, Paul Pigman, Jane L. Doyle, Marc Pucci, Bill Metcalf, Carlotta Woolcock, Lid Adolf, Emilie Blattman, Kim Meranell, Susan Stephen. Art Credits: Let Traset, Jenny Lane, Horizon, The Boston Women's Book, Sarah Hagan, Bob Davis, Carol Thornton, Lauretta Hendricks. Personals. Sexuality. Biofeedback Monitor System. The Sexual Politics of Intercourse, by Susan Goodstein. Self-Help by Karen Chadwick. Deer Abby. Poetry by Allison Jolly, Leanne McKayle and Joanna Fink, Amy, Dianne Babbitt, Susan Stephen. March 12 1976. A Fed is Born. Woman's Orgasm: Getting There Alone. Working Out Sexual Problems, Liv. Defining Relationships by Doug Webb. The Lighter Side of Conferences. Two Views of Human Sexuality. Look At All The Liberals. Coming Out - Is It Really Worth It? by Andy Hansen. Contraception by Emilie Blattman. Mr. Faggot Writes Again. Straight Man. Fed's Ups and Downs. Off Dr. Bieber, by Gary Alinder. |
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Volume IV, Issue 4, April 1977. 12 pages. Staff: Doug Webb, Andy Hausen, Paul Pigman, Emilie Blattman, Rachel Chinitz, Hank Hennessy, Jenny Lane, Susan Stephen, Wayne Arnason, Wendy Yogi, David Hartwell. Art Credits: Carol Thornton, Lyn Benjamin, Cathy Carney, Carol Hoffman, Maggie Dale, Cara. A Capsule History of the UU Youth Movement, Wayne Arnason. Personals. Souper's Profile, John G. Beebe, Center III. Biofeedback Monitor System. LRY Directions, Susan E. Stephen. El Are Why? LRY!! by Doug Webb. Comparison Chart of AUY and UYF. LRY Hymn. Fed's Ups and Downs. Planning Food for a Conference, by Sue Treadwell. |
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Volume IV, Issue 5, 1977. 32 pages. Staff: Andy Hansen, Paul Pigman, Hank Hennessy, Wendy Yogi, Wendy O'Donnell, John Beebe Center. Art Credits: Wendy O'Donnell, Bob, Jenny Lane, Matt, Mary, Billy Kates, Carol, Hank Hennessy etc. (illegible). Personals. Seabrook. Inside by Doug Webb. Outside by Andrew Hansen. Biofeedback Monitor System. Should Food Co-ops Be Political. Book Review, The Gay Liberation Book. All Aboard Twilly. The Shuttleworth Address. Making Yogurt. Ralph Nader: The Man in the Class Action Suit. Poetry. Mental Illness by Eric Ellerson. A Christmas Memory by Bob Wylie. Sensorum by Daby Barges and PSLRY. Fred's Ups and Downs. Force Field Analysis. Day in Court, by Wendy Vogl. Free School Report. Program LRY Packet. A Matter of Conscience. Art by Bob Toren. |