Synapse Issues - 1990 thru 1999, Volumes XVIII thru XVII
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Volume VIII, Issue 1, Spring/Summer 1990. 12 pages. YRUU And the Arts. Cover by Anne Sontheimer Medford. Letters to the Editor. YRUU News. Conference Aesthetics by Jill Huebner. Card Carrying Inspiration by Sean Ramsey. Two New Youth Staff. Proposed YRUU By-Law Amendments. Creative Writing: Home by Natalie Hamm. Gaining Momentum by Marshall Miller. Personals. Reviews: C*UUYAN's Uni-Tune by Rebecca Scott. Poetry. | |
Volume VIII, Issue 2, Winter 1990. 12 pages. Staff: Adam Leite, Parisa Parsa, Meg Riley and Anne Fleming. What's up in Locals. Gender Issues. Conscientious Objection. Reflections: Changes. Rights, Peace and Freedoms. Personals and Poetry. Continental News. Announcements. They Did it Their Way, by Bill Gupton. Weaving a Web of Young UU Women by Valerie Tremelat. Gender Rap Issues and Questions by Valerie Tremelat. To C.O. or Not To C.O. by Bill Gupton. Do You Know Where You Stand by Adam Leite. Hormones and Religious Understanding by Liv Gjestvang. So, by Jill Huebner. Fight th Power by Tom Doyle. Celebrate by Justina Prenatt. Ethics into Action by Richard Foote. Code of Ethics for Adults and Older Youth. A Disarming Statement. Eyes Line the Procession by Joseph Phillips. Freedom by Andrew Daniel. Lack of Silence by Tina Abich. Kiva by Kristen Fikkan. Con-Con 1990: Celebrating the Child Within by Juliana Tillema. Gothic Architecture and Youth Soality by Jan Erik Gjestvang. What Happened at Youth Council 1990? Thoughts from a First Year Rep., Jasmine Harvest Nielsen. | |
Volume IX, Issue 1, Fall/Winter1991. 12 pages. Staff: Christine Murphy, Julie C. Rising, Meg Riley and Anne Fleming. Hello Jory! Who? Salute the Blood Stained Flag by Liv Anne Gjestvang. South Afica: A Nightmare Dressed in White by Jennifer Martin. Combatting Sexism in YRUU by Christine Murphy. The Blueprint. A Few Words on Post- Conference Culture Shock by Justina Prenatt. Sorting it Out by Erin Walter. That Crazy Post-High Church Thing by Charlie Arnold. Erugs and YRUU by Jeanna Steele and Margaret Ladner. The Blueprint for My Dreams by Julie Rising. The Continental Scoop. Resolutions Passed. Youth Caucus at General Assembly. Putt-putt, Sand and Singing, Con-Con 1991. The Stars Have Fallen To Mingle Among Us...The Dreamers of YRUU by Liv Anne Gjestvang. Personals. Poetry and other Creative Juices: Caroline Schneiders, Christy Wilson, Leela Sinha, DOris McShea, Joan Orloff, Jasmine Nielsen. | |
If there is a IX, Issue 2 it wasn't on the UUA site and isn't in the Wayback archives. | If there is a IX, Issue 2 it wasn't on the UUA site and isn't in the Wayback archives. |
Volume X, Issue 1, Spring/Summer 1992. 12 pages. Staff: Julie C. Rising, Sean Ramsey, Jory Agate and Anne Fleming. Letters. What's New With Us. Realizing a Difference by Laura Peterson. New Youth Staffer. Personals. CD Review "Thanks to Gravity". The Facts About Aids and Youth. Sex in the 90s. How to Take the Pressure -- Not! 2, 4, 6, 8 We're the Ones Who Ovulate, 3, 5, 7, 9 Bush You Stay Out of Mine! by Justina Prenatt. Apartheid poem by Ben Stallings. Godd Song by Tracy & Shannon. A 7 O'clock Epiphany. Empathy by Jantz Raynor. By-Laws are Changing. Mr. and Mrs. Doododd Together Again. A Challenge, a Movement: What Can Youth Staffing Do for Our Churches? by Bill Gupton. What is this Continental Thing? Drawing by Margaret Ladner. A Lesson in Faith by Jennifer Martin and Erin Walter. Reps. Keeping the Love Alive, poem by Erin Walter. Before the Storm, poem by Christy Wilson. I really Wish I knew You, poem by The Phantom. The Garden of Serenity by Julie Faulkner. Jealousy, by Liv Anne Gjestvang. Healing, poem by Miriam Axel-Lute. Sacred Upon Matrimony, poem by Justina Prenatt. | |
Volume X, Issue 2, Fall/Winter 1992. 12 pages. Staff: Sean Ramsey, Jennifer Martin, Jory Agate and Anne Fleming. Letters. Serena's Special Day. Confessions of a Unitarian Universalist. Personals. Continentally Speaking. What's a YAM. Resolutions from Youth Council 1992. Revving Up the Continent for Advisors Support by Richard Foote. ConCon 1992. Perspectives by 2 YRUU Women. Gay and Seventeen by Melinda Sue Hutchings. We're Killing Ourselves. An Insight into Welcoming Congregations, by Leslie Rosen. Logo Contest. Prose Garden. Now That's Entertainment, by Laura Peterson. A Prayer to the Virgin Mary, by Tyna Hickerson. Priorities, by Katie Barclay. I Am Proud, by Taj Moore. I Stubbed My Brain, by Miriam Axel-Lute. Poetry by Samira Mahta. A Single Rose Upon the Altar, by Sparrowhawk. The Darkness is My Home. Theologies, by Jeremy P. Bushnell. Nature Break, by Ramona Baker.Harmony II by Nicole Piotrkowski. Writer's Block by Abby Bass. January Tee by Jenn King. Portrait of A Japanese Shadow by Jeremy P. Bushnell. Graphic by Susan Blake. Gathering Place by Sarah Easton. Random Thoughts, by Miranda Murray. | |
Volume XI, Issue 1, 1993. 12 pages. Celebrating Life. Staff: Jennifer Martin, Serena Smallin, Jory Agate and Anne Fleming. Letters. Personals. UU United Nations Conference on Disarmament. New YRUU Programs Specialist. A ConCon Allegory, by Laura Peterson. Passing the Flame, by Rev. John Bushrens. We Are the Future, by Rev. Carolyn S. Owen-Towle. Random Notes by Garrett Brown. The Mountain Climbers, by Emily Clay. Live and Learn by Ben Stallings. Bored in a Library by Mark Goldberg. Bricks of Red Rain by Kyle Schlesinger. Twilight of Sleep by Wenis Christ. The Issue by Laura Raitman. Galloping Forwards. Driving ino Womanhood, by Justine C. Prenett. In Loving Memory of Galen C. Gibson. Opening the Door, by Galen Gibson. You Gotta Believe, by Jeanna Steele. Heart Beats, by Mark Goldberg. | |
Volume XI, Issue 2, 1993. 12 pages. Staff: Serena Smallin, Lorne Tyndale, Jory Agate, Anne Fleming. Letters. Personals. Welcoming a New YPS. Work Ethic: A Forgotten Value? Kirk Martin. A Few Things to Consider About Capitalism, by Sean Ramsey. Sweaty Science Fiction or Discovering the Deodorant Deception, by Robin Torrey. An Open Letter to the UUA Board of Trustees. The Continental Thing. Why I Love YRUU, How It Could Be Better, by Laura Peterson. Is it Time to Re-Think?-What They Don't Teach in School, by Dave Protti. Rainbows, by Jeff Melcher. Da Sexual Harrassment Thang. It Can't Happen Here? YRUU Sexual Harassers, by FIona Thompson. UU Youth Gather for Community and...Painting? by Steve Cook. How Was Social Action Day? On Women Who Wear Comfortable Shoes, by Serena. Making Love for skid, by Kim Rapelye. Miscellaneous Ramblings, by Lorne Tyndale. Fear, by Dawn Shuman. Rebirth of a World. Waht's Happening to ConCon? Hold Your Knees, by Sarah Arnott. A Few Final Words by Andrew Drobny. | |
Volume XII Issue 1 wasn't on the UUA site and isn't in the Wayback archives. | Volume XII Issue 1 wasn't on the UUA site and isn't in the Wayback archives. |
Volume XII, Issue 2, 1994. 12 pages. Staff: Dan Ross, Sarah Gibb, Jory Agate, Anne Fleming. Letters. Youth Speak for Children at U.N. Conference. YRUU Programs Specialist Introduction. Mountain Desert YRUU Stands Up on Dec. 3rd. Is There Life After YRUU, 3 Perspectives by Alicia Lyman-Holt, Deacon Wardlow, Caitlin Rooney. General Assembly News. Spokes to Spokane. Bridging Ceremony. UU Young Adults Take GA By Storm. General Assembly Resolution: Sexuality Education in the Public Schools. A Call to Action: An Argument for Comprehensive Sexuality Education, by Sarah Gibb. Comprehensive Sex-Ed Guidelines. Fear-and-Shame-Based Curriculum. What's in a Name? A Group's Name Alone Rarely Indicates What it States. News Flash. YRUU's Youth Counclil. Resolutions. Con Con, Too! The Trunk of My Tree, by Rebecca Pine. What Am I, by Dore Mendelsberg. Images by Eden King. Jim Nugent graphic. Shaving My Legs by Orisha. Poem by Alicia Lyman-Holt. Peanut on Earth. | |
Volume XIII, Issue 1, 1995. 12 pages. Staff: Sarah Gibb, Jenny Axel, Jory Agate and Anne Fleming, with special assistance from Jennifer Martin. Letters. How Do I Get That YRUU Spirit? by Lisa Rubin. Introducing Two New Youth Office Staff: Rob Cavenaugh and Rachel Reed. What Divinity School Didn't Teach Me by D. V. McFarland. Cure for the Every Day Pain, by Ian C. Russel. The Art of Spirituality. Roots That Wish to Become Wings by Jennife Martin. The Awakening, photo by Sarah Gibb. Poem by Jennifer Martin. UUA Covenant. A Definition of Spirituality by Jenny Axel. Changes by Elizabeth Hess. "What Is This 'Spirituality' Stuff - And Where Can I Get Some, Cheap?" John Buehrens. Eggnosticism by Marc Loustau. A Quest for Identity by Jennie Seeg. Poetry by Tara Aiesi. Science, Spirituality and Ourselves by Sarah Gibb. Continental YRUU. YRUU in DC by Rob Cavenaugh and Sarah Gibb. News and Events. Steering Committee Report. | |
Volume XIII, Issue 2, 1995. 12 pages. Staff: Rachel Reed, Rob Cavenaugh, Jory Agate and Anne Fleming. Letters. LDCs Take the Country By Storm. Resolutions Passed by the 1995 YRUU Youth Council. Continental Conference. Violence and Intolerance. She's a Sad Tomato, by Rachel Reed. We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us, by Evan Manvel. YWCA Week Without Violence. GA 1995 Youth Caucus and the Young Adult Focus Day. Transitions, by Kevin McCulloch. Dreams and Goals, sermon by John Benford. General Assembly 1996 Has a Youth Focus. | |
Volume XIV, Issue 1, Spring 1996. 12 pages. (Reads Volume IX Issue 1, Spring 1996 on cover.) Staff: Rachel Reed Kathy Daneman, Jory Agate and Anne Fleming. Letters. 1992-93 Logo Contest Winner Announced. David Taylor, New YRUU Programs Specialist. Continental YRUU. YRUU-L is Born. Events of Interest. Back to the Earth. Doing Your Part for the Environment, by Alison Purcell. One Hour, by Sandra Read-Brown. Word Search. Youth and the Environment. Quiz. My Environmentalism, by Alicia Lyman-Holt. UUSC Announces Gender Justice Study and Action Guide, Invites UU Women and Men to Bring Series to Local Level, by Linda MacKay. Review of Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Ru Paul, by Leslie Feinberg. No Tomorrow, by Jordan Luminas. Winners of the Youth Focus Task Force Sermon Contest. Miracles, Drake Baer. Unreasonable Strength, Rachel Cole. Empty Space, by Elizza Rose. | |
Volume XIV, Issue 2, Fall 1996. 12 pages. (Cover reads as Volume IX, Issue II, Fall 1996). Staff: Kathy Daneman, David Taylor, Jory Agate and Anne Flemming. Letters. How I Spent My Summer Vacation, by Elaine Lowe. Larc Loustau, new YRUU Programs Specialist. New Resolutions Youth Council 1996-1997. Con Con 1996. Gender Justice, by Kathy Daneman and Barb Greve. Gender: The Last Box, by Kate Griffin. Poem by Phoebe Hanshew. Sexism Can Affect Anyone: An Egalitarian Perspective to Gender Justice, by Darcy Baxter. Very Good Girl, by Karina Kramer-Schevers. Gender Boxing, by Marc Loustau. General Assembly 1996 Youth Focus. UU Youth Recognized at General Assembly for Confronting Racism. How Does Feminity Training Affect Teenage Girls in Today's Society? by Anna Sale. The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's "Justice for Burma Campaign" by Shalini Nataraj. Gender Story, by Shirley Kitchen. Haiku for her. Poem by Jennie Seeg. In The Spirit, homilies by Karina Kramer-Schevers. The Beautiful Dark Flowing River, homily by Layla Jamila Rivera. | |
Volume XV, Issue 1, Spring 1997 12 pages. Staff: Marc Loustau, David Taylor, Jory Agate, Anne Fleming. Letters. Birth of Jenna Martin. The Now Young Feminists Summit, by Elizabeth Schoenfeld. Alison Purcell, New YRUU Program Specialist. YRUU Bylaw Changes. YRUU on the Internet. YRUU and Racism. How Welcoming Are We, by David Taylor. Unitarian Universalism: An Accepting Community, by Aaron Ivner. What is Racism, by Jared Rehberg. Things You Can Do to Combat Racism. A Lack of Diversity, by Eddie Peppers. Raining Revolution, by Christine Murphy. Putting Our Faith in Action, First Annual YRUU National Social Justice Conference, by Ellen Sale. Using Your Hands and Hearts for Change. Activist Youth Groups: We're On A Mission, by Rev. Greg Stewart. And Then There Was Me, by Kelda Helen Roys. Unitarian Universalism's Fatal Flaw, by Dylan McConaghy. Review of Free Your Mind: The Book for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth and Their Allies. The Adult Experience in YRUU, by Joanne Victoria. Blue, by Kirsten Amann. Untitled by Dave Dash. Etiquette, A Statement of Belief, by Abi Harper. What Does Unitarian Universalism Have to Offer Young People? homily by Rob Cavenaugh. | |
Volume XV, Issue 2, Fall 1997. 12 pages. Staff: Jen Harrison, Marc Loustau, Alison Purcell and Anne Fleming. Letters. Introducing Jennifer Harrison. YRUUers March in San Francisco Gay Pride Parade, by Zoe Winant. Introducing Sienna Baskin. YRUU Then and Now by Rev. Julia Ann Silberman. In the Beginning, by Colin Bird. YRUU: Fifteen Years Later, by Rev. Wayne Arnason. My UU Utopia by Mandy Jacogson. The YRUU Story, by Laura Trumbull, The Future of YRUU. Dear Unitarian Universalist, A Needs and Aspirations Survey. Finding Similarities in a Word of Difference, by Matthew Davis and Joanna Lydgate. How to Minimize Your Possessions and Free Up Your Life, by Sarah Tucker. How o Develop an Amazing Regional GLBT Conference (and How Not To). Over the Blue Wall, by Jake Bagshaw. Star, by Elizabeth Martin. A Summer's Late-Night Reflections, by Abi Harper. Poetry. Charred Mmories by Bryan Beck. Pray, by Loren Anderson. So Loved, by Jennifer W. Tsoi. | |
Volume XVI, Issue 1, Spring 1998 . 12 pages. Staff: Alison Purcell, Sienna Baskin, Jen Harrison, Galen Moore and Anne Fleming. Letters. Move from 53 Beacon 41 Mt. Vernon Place. Five Easy Steps to a More Diverse Youth Group, by Eddie Peppers. Austin Putnam, New YPS. Meet Your New Youth Council At-Larges. A Busy, Inspiring Time in DC, by Emily Steiner. The Four Components of Successful Coming-of-Age Programs, by Jen Harrison. Deep Junior High Thoughts, by Jessie Eller-Isaacs. A Melancholy Birthday, Hopes for the Future, by David Ramsey. Identity and Community, by Galen Moore. Advisor of the Year. "The Paisley penguine", Best District Newsletter. District News. Youth Sunday, Coast-to-Coast. Horoscope. Test Your Smarts. Warmth, by Mary Ailish Birnbaum. A Sandstorm on the Passive Plain of Time, by Robin Van Loon. Poem by Bob Cambell. Sparking the Spirit 1998, by Melanie Griffin. | |
Volume XVI, Issue 2, Fall 1998. 32 pages. Acting Out. Cover Graphic by M. Moore. Staff: Sienna Baskin, Senior Editor. Austin Putnam, Junior Editor. Jen Harrison, Contributing Editor. Anne Fleming, Copy Editor. Intro by Mister G. Thaner. Wink, by Sienna. Spill the Basket. Compass, Steering Committee Speaks. Power Shuffle, Social Action at Work. Backflash, A Look at UU Youth 25 Years Ago. Common Cause, Check out a YRUU Friendly Org. Trust Walk, Life After High School. Soapbox, Critical Perspectives on YRUU. Accessibillity and Disabilities, by Emily Steiner. How to Save the World in Three Easy Steps, by Maia Cudhea. The Last Social Action Hero, by Nathan Staples. Supporting Students for Change in Burma, by Rain Madan. Wider Horizons, by Natalie Ceperley. Compass by Eroca Nicols. Why Ska Sucks, by Ben Kidder. The LRY Energy Crisis, by Wind Creek. Fishbowl. Stuff to Do When You Can't Think of Anything to Do, by Jen Harrison. Trust Walk, by Matthew Bruce. Theme Section: Act Out. Climbing, by Blake Murphy. Ohio-Meadville District Plays Musical Chairs, by Rose Lynd. Reports from Districts. Youth Council '98 Contact Info. How to Fund Your Way to GA, by Eroca Nicols. Put the Smack Back in Social Action, by Rob Cavenaugh. | |
Volume XVII, Issue 1, Spring 1999 . 48 pages. Get Smart, The Many Paths to Knowledge. Staff: Austin Putman and Nathaniel Klein Editors. Jen Harrison, Contributing Editor. Anne Fleming, Copy Editor, Youth Office Assistant. Nathan Beckett, Copy Editor and Youth Office Intern. Contributors: Annie Abernathy, Evan Aird, Stephan Antoniewicz, Drake Baer, Cas Baskin, Kallista Bley, Jeremy Cusker, Ariana Friedlander, Meredith Geraghty, Lucy Grinnell, Nato Hollister, Mandy Jacobsen, Mimi LaValley, Matt Moore, Dawn Riddle, Matthew Riederer, Chelsea Schepps, Alex Smith, Emily Stainer, Nathan Staples, Tori Sweetser, Laura Trumbell, Kristen Wallace. Letters. Wink. Spill the Basket. Emily Stiener Speaks up for Steering Committee. An Excerpt from "How Schools Fail Us". Anti-Death Penalty Work and Hurricane Relief. Interview with the Activist (Food Not Bombs). How to Avoid Junior High. Interview with the Social Psych Professor. EPIIC Inquiry and the Guide to Summer Workcamps. Jeremy Cusker Wants to Know "Where's the 19-22". Freedom in Uniform, by Mimi LaValley. Education on an Island, by Naato Hollister. Odyssey of the Mind and Duct Tape, by Tori Sweetser. Hot to Succeed in College, by Natthew Riederer. Edjication, by Caspian Baskin. Amigos de las Americas, by Kallista Bley. Autonomy in Skooling, by Meredith Geraghty. Home(less) Schooling, by Ariana M. Friedlander. Once Upon a Time, by Dawn Riddle. Get the Resources to Be an Educated Advisor. The Inside Gude to YRUU Sunday, by Evan Aird. The "Typical" Not So Typical, by Alex Smith. A New MASSive Con. Are U a Youth or Aren't U? by Jeremy "Amos" Cusker. | |
Volume XVII, Issue 2, Fall 1999. 12 pages. Art and Censorship. Nathaniel Klein and Duncan Metcalfe, Editor. Jen Harrison, Contributing Editor. Anne Fleming, Copy Editor. Contributors: Colin Bird, Elizabeth Capane-Newton, Tobias Chase, Maia Cudhea, Jennica Davis, Stu Egnall, Yasmine Golan, Melanie Griffin, Becca Fredin, Logan Harris, Kate Kidder, Emily knaphaus, Mimi LaValley, Matt Moore, Matthew Riederer, Julie Slater, Abbey Stainer, Nathan Staples, Jo Victoria, James Walker, Evan White, Conald Wilson, Geoff Woodman. Meet Your New YRUU Program Specialist, Duncan Metcalfe. New Youth Office Intern, NATO. Wink. Two Members of Steering committee Check-in. Anti-Racist Action Network, Maia Cudhea. New Working Action Process, James Walker. A Mutli-Generational UUA, Evan B. White. The Disempowerment of the YRUU Budget, Colin Bird. The YRUU Budget Today, Elizabeth Capone-Newton. Too Smart fo the Man (Anti-Flag), Becca Fredin. YRUUers Lead Junior High Youth, Tobias Chase. Stu Egnall Calls for District Youth Offices. Prisoner Censorship, by Logan Harris. Adventures in Acceptance by Nathan Staples. She had, by Yasmin Golan. The How's and Why's of Publishing Zines, by Julie Slater. GSA? Not in This School, by Jennica Davis and Emily Knaphaus. We Have the Internet, We Have the Power, by Donald Wilson. Sensitivity vs. Censorship, by Matthew Riederer. Down with Defacing? by Abby Steiner. An Interview with Dr. Mary Pipher, by Mimi LaValley. Youth Advisor Boundaries to Live by, Jo Victoria. Guiding Towards Self-Empowerment, by Jeff Leibman. Anti-Racism for Youth Groups, by Melanie Griffin. Taking YRUU Home, by Geoff Woodman. Youth Council 1999 Resolutions. Spparks. Alana McGibney, James Walker, Natalie Knasik, Allison McCuddy. |