Synapse Issues - 2000 thru 2006, Volumes XVIII thru XXIV
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Volume XVIII, Issue 1, Spring 2000. 44 pages. How to make your Youth Group Visible in Your Congregation. Veganism in the New Millennium. Challenging Rape Culture. Insight into Eating Disorders. Amazing Art, Poetry and Photography. Editors: YRUU Programs Specialists: Duncan Metcalfe and Nathan Staples. Contributing Editor and Youth Programs Director: Jen Harrison. Synapse Review Board: Blake Murphy, Logan Harris, Brian Richichi, Craig, Hildebrand and John Horowitz. Contributors: Matt Moore, Emily Stainer, Julie Slater, Heidi Hardt, Abbey Tennis, Rachel, Wallis, Jenn Jarrison, Charles McNultey, Laura Douglas, Lexie Staples, Mandy McCord, Evan White, Nathaniel Klein, Michael Durall, Ben Kulow and Susan Goldstein. Steering Committee Speaks, Evan White. Board Restructuring, Abbey Tennis. Sexual Health is the Goal, Jennifer Harrison. Right to Choose and Sexual Polotics of Intercourse. Antioch, UU Heritage, UU Friendly - Cheryl Keen. Out of the Basement - Kate Kidder. Benefits of Multi-District Cons - Alana McGivney. Building a Healthy YRUU - Elizabeth Capone-Newton. Respect Every Body - Julie Slater. Count, Pointercount - Charrles McNulty and Rachel Wallis. She's Out of Control - Emily Stainer. Modern Day Gatherers - Lexi Staples and Mandy McCord. I Call Myself Straight-Edge - Matthew Moore. Become an Advisor Trainer. Boy Scouts of America and UU Youth - James Sheldon. Become an Anti-Racism Trainer for the UUA. Become the Next YPS. | |
Volume XVIII, Issue 2, Fall 2000. 52 pages. Prison Reform, The Drug War, The Inequalities in Education, Chaplaincy in a Youth Prison. Editors - YRUU Programs Specialists - Nathan Staples and Abbey Tennis. Contributing Editor and Youth Programs Director - Jen Harrison. Synapse Review Board - Logan Harris, Liam Daly, Graham Bass. Cover art by Stacey "Blue" Schwindt. Tennis Anyone - Abbey Tennis. Meet our New Intern - Marua McGill. When the Editor Speaks - Nathan Staples. Letters to the Editor. Abbey's Notes. Cool Books. Steering Committee Speaks by Paris Brewer. Youth Council Rep Info. Youth Council Project Proposals and Resolutions. Why the First Amendment is First, Tameron Josbeck. How I Spent my Summer Vacation - Matt Moore. The Polite Rage of One Canadian - Jacob Larson. The Truth about C*UUYAN - Phoebe Henshaw. I'm In and Out - Rev. Cynthia Breen. Advisor of the Year Spotlight. Naked Woman - Elizabeth Logan. Even Still - Nato Hollister. UUA Board Youth Advisor Task Force Report. Soap Box - Megan Tiderman. As Black as White - Jordan Argus. Prison Reform - Shea Schachameyer. What is Bull Worth? Colorful vs. Colorblind - Evan White. In Ca-Hoots: The "War on Drugs" and Racism - Jacob Larson. Inequalities of Education - Devan Krugman. Go to Identity Groups - Helen Harris. Count - Justin Alecanser Whitaker. Pointer Count - Mimi Lavalley. Assimilate This - Justin Whitaker. Map of Districts. | |
Volume XIX, Issue 1, Spring 2001. 52 pages. Environmental Sustainability. Editors - YRUU Programs Specialists - Abbey Tennis and Graham Bass. Youth Programs Director - Jen Harrison. Copy Editor - Mary Bernard. Synapse Review Team - Lena Breen and Jean McKenny. Cover Design by Kathryn Mareci. Contributors: Amir Fouad, Dan Kappus, Chris Weber, Pete Johnson, Kate Kidder, Manige Blackgurn, Rochelle Swanson, Julie Slater, Rev. Bill Sinkford, Rev. Diane Miller, Patsy Herrill Madden, Diane Olson, Logan Harris, Rev. Joan Van Becelaere, Dan Harper, Maura McGill, Katie Shilton, Anna Brower, Micaela Christopher, Ann Lapidus, Jacob Larsen. Wink. Letters to the Editor. Steering Committee Speaks. Bridging the Rift. Practice What you Preach. Anti-Racism Resources. My Name is Kate...Kate McFry. Body of Woman, Body of Earth. Candidates for UUA Leadership Q&A. Write an Agenda Item for Youth Council. YRUU By-Law Changes. Soapbox Canadian and US UUs Split? What is Environmental Sustainability? Can You Afford to Be Green? Genetic Engineering. Using All of Our Resources. Sustainable Living, The Co-op Way. Environmental Racism. Natural Household Beauty Tips. Small Farmers in Big Trouble. Bad Jokes and Haikus. | |
Volume XIX, Issue 2, Winter 2001. 52 pages. Ending the Cycles of Hate. Editors - YRUU Programs Specialists - Graham Baas, Ms. Robin Scott Lean and Paula Nett. Youth Programs Director - Jen Devine. Copy Editor - Mary Bernard. Synapse Review Board- Judith Frediani and Matt Moore. Contributors: Matt Moore, Chris Weber, Alex Winnett, Lindsy Bater, Greg DuBow, Jacob Larsen, Kat Shiffler, Cynthia Peters, Liv, Jason Lydon, Erin Goldberger, Kathryn Mareci, Justin Whitaker, Kristen Harper, Marissa Guttierez. Wink. Letters to the Editor. Steering committee Speaks. Anti-Racism Resources. Advisor of tye Year. The Spark. A Moral What? Resolutions Passed 2001. Soap Box. Peace the Nations Madness Grace. Discrimination in the Media. It is Simple, Not So SImple. Backflash. Resources to Stop the Cycles of Hate. Patriotism Today. To Repair the Web. Cover by Matt Moore. | |
Volume XX, Issue 1, Spring 2002. 32 pages. Environmental Sustainability. Editors - YRUU Programs Specialists - Robin Scott Lea, Paula Nett, Wendel Seitz. Youth Programs Director - Jen Devine. Copy Editor - Mary Benard. Other Editors - Judith Frediani and Matt Moore. Contributors - Annie Abernethyk, Jenny Dunmore, Jacob Larson, Katie Whitworth, Heather Robb, Shea Schachameyer, Misha Heller, Marissa Gutierrez, Ethan Thrower and Heather Vail. New Youth Office Staff. Spill the Basket. Steering Committee Speaks. Backflash. Soap Box. Given the Opportunity. Say Yes. A Playground in Crew Port. The School of the Americas. Testimony of a SAC. No More Prisons. Prison Cell for Political Prisoners. A Word from Ethan. Youth and Young Adult Sunday. | |
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XX Issue 2, Fall 2002, I don't find. |
Volume XXI, Issue 1, Spring 2003. 32 pages. The Powr of Language = Awareness. Staff: Bryan Beck, Megan Selby and JasonLydon, YRUU Program Specialists. Jesse Jaeger, YRUU Programs Director. Bryan Beck, Barbara Gifford and Ethan Field, Copy Editors, Judith Frediani, Synapse Review Board. Contributors: Evan Brand, Erin Stephens-North, Hannah Eller-Isaacs, Alexia G., Jason Lydon, Tim Fitzgerald, Paul Kendrick, Marissa Gutierrez, Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Asha philar. Cover by Erin Stephens-North. Letters to the Editor. Meet the Y.O. Wink. Steering Committee Speaks. Advisor of the Year Award. New from our Canadian Friends. SOAW. Rock that Vote! Continental Community. What the SWAT?! Gender Pronouns. A Poem by Evan Brand. The Power of Language. | |
XXI Issue 2, Fall 2003, I don't find. |
Volume XXII, Issue 1, Spring 2004. 20 pages. Education Reform and Multiculturalism. Staff: Megan Selby and Jason Lydon, YRUU Progrmas Specialists. Gregory C. Boyd and Erin J. Dunn, Synapse Interns. Jesse Jaeger, Youth Programs Director. Gregory C. Boyd, Barbara Gifford and Ethan Field, Copy and Layout Editors. Judith Frediani, Synapse Review Board. Contributors: Jazmin Sandoz-Rosado, Betty Jeanne Rueters-Ward, Topher West, MacKenzie Wainwright, Al Jensen, Jessica Butler, Laura Sackton and Ross Milton, Dede. Wink. Megan's Farewell. Spill the Basket. Steering Committee Speaks. Dark. Standardized Testing Hurts. My Rant to an English Teacher. Relearning History. Testing Voids Meaning. Backflash. Heresy. Voter Registration. Soapbox. | |
Volume XXII, Issue 2, Fall 2004. 32 pages. Anti-Racism. Staff: Synapse Intern - Chuck Sokol, YPPSs - Betty Jeanne Rueters-Ward and Brian Kuzma, Copy/Layout Editors - Ethan Field and Barbara Gifford, Youth Programs Director - Jesse Jaeger, Review Board - Mary Benard. Contributors: Ariel Aaronson-Eves, Annie Abernethy, Jennifer Bell, Gregory Boyd, George Brown, Ben D'Avanzo, Nancy DiGiovanni, Jannifer Dunmore, Naomi Edelman, Tim Fitzgeald, KT Hariman, Siri Larsen, Scott McNeill, Laurel Newton, Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Annie Powell, Amelia Rose, Megan Selby, Chuck Sokol, Sam Trumbull, Heather Vail, Jova Vargas, Brooke Weber, Katie Whitworth, Caitlin Woodal. Wink Editorial. Letter to the Editor. Youth Office Bios. Point/Counterpoint. Boston during the DNC. Steering Committee Speaks. From the UUA Washington Office. Bridgining Resources for Older Youth. I Am: A Riddle. War. Leaving by Moonlight. Youth Advisor of the Year Award. Saturrday. ConCon Murder Mystery. Soapbox. What the SWAT? Pain. That Night. Anti-Racism Youth and Young Adult Leadership Guide. YRUU Anti-Racism Work Timeline. Identity Groups: the Token Version. For While Folks Who Hate Identity Groups. Reasons We Have Identity Groups. AR Movie Guide and Resources. Cover by Erin Stephens. | |
Volume XXIII, Issue 1, Spring 2005. 32 pages. Sexuality. Staff: Josephine Bibby, Synapse Intern/Cover Art. Brian Kuzma, YRUU Programs Specialist. Betty Jeanne Reueters-Ward, YRUU Programs Specialist. Ethan Field, Copy/Layout Editor. Barbara Gifford, Copy/Layout Editor. Jesse Jaeger, Youth Programs Director. Mary Bernard, Review Board. Judith Frediani, Review Board. Wink. Letter to the Editor. Meet the Youth Office. Steering Committee Speaks. Attack of the C*SACs. Consultation on UU Youth Ministry. Celebrate Our Whole Lives. First-Timers' Guide to General Aseembly. Betty Jeanne's Farewell. What the Swat? Is it Really Because I'm a Bitch? Untitled. What the Hoot Owl Good For? Coming Out. Polyamory and New Family Structures. Sexual Behavior in Group Settings. Hi, I'm a Pansy. My Body Song. Sex Ed Workshop. A Call to Action. Marriage Equality: How to Help. Why Sex Ed? Profile of a UU-Friendly Org: Sex etc. Youth Council Resolutions. Sexuality Resources. | |
Volume XXIII, Issue 2, Fall 2005, Spirituality.. Unavailable in PDF, was online and material appears to be included in the Summer 2006 print issue below. | |
Volume XXIV, Issue 1, Fall 2006, Spring Issue. Leadership.. Unavailable in PDF. Was online and the Wayback Machine link goes to Vol. XXIII, Issue II of Fall 2005. | |
Volume XXIV, Issue 2, 2006, Summer Issue. 56 pages. The Print Issue for 2006, Spirituality and Leadership.Staff: Zoe Engberg, Synpase Intern. Beth Dana and Marissa Gutierrez, Youth Ministry Associates. Joo Young Choi, YRUU Programs Specialist. Ben D'Avanazo, Synapse Volunteer. Rek Swawer and Barbara Gifford, Copy/Layout Editors. Jesse Jaeger, Youth Programs Director. Mary Benard and Judith Frediani, Review Board. Contributors: Zarinah Ali, Anna Bialostosky, Richard Blissett, Sam Bryson-Brockmann, Eddie Cain Irvin, Sara B. Caldwell, Elizabeth Cortez-Neavel, Katie Dahlhausen, Carly Gayel, Joanne Giannino, Sarah Guyer, Sam Haas, Miles Howard, Kimberly Katilius, Rob Keithan, Claudia Kern, Jeff Liebmann, Jason Lydon, Nan Moore, Chael Ohlrogge, Emanuel Olano, Luke Orndorff, Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Adam Robersmith, Ellen Rockett, Betty Jeanne Rueters-Ward, Thomas Rylett, Lizzie Schiffman, Andy B. Sobczak, Will Stevens, Topher West.Meet the Youth Office. Marissa's Goodbye. Joo Young's Goodbye. Co-Facilitation with Youth. Five Guidelines for Committees with Youth Members. My Little Bird. What Does it Mean to Be Hot. Katrinaid Coffee House. Her Disappearing Daughter. Youth Ministry Adard Winner - The Church of the Present. Youth Ministry Award Winner - With Our Eyes Shut. Responsive Resolution on Racism and Classism. SLAM. Darfur, STAND and Community Building. Beautiful. About Dultural Theft. Do it Yourself Chalices. Adventures of a Religious Activist. Reflection. God is Love: Spirituality and Social Justice. This I Believe, Like a Candle Flame. The Religion That Caught My Eye. Love. Getting the Call to Ministry When Your Phone is on Mute. Nature's Beauty. You Matter. Maybe Then I Will Nod. The Emperor Has No Clothes. Lost and Found: Please Claim. How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to a Tootsie Roll Pop Center? Forgotten. Naps and Before. My Sabbath. You. Worship Service to Celebrate Identity. As a Person of Irish American Descent Can I Now Be Considered a "Person of Color" and Join the Ranks of the Oppressed? Top Ten YRUU Songs. One Year after Katrina: Our COmmitment. |