Common Ground 1 - Planning Committee Recommendations

Common Ground 1

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The recommendations we would like to make as a planning committee are limited to those relevant to our particular task, the task of planning and facilitating the conference. We hope they might be useful for any future planning committees organizing similar events on the district or the continental levels. We recommend:

  1. That lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability between the Conference Planning Committee, the staff, any Conference Affairs Committee, and the conference delegates themselves be clearly drawn well ahead of time, and that these lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability be made clear to all delegates.

  2. That behavioral rules and/or guidelines for youth conferences sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association be developed by the appropriate bodies of the denomination. That these rules and/or guidelines be clear, consistent, and publicized by the denomination in advance. (Districts would do well to undertake the same task. We feel, however, it is appropriate for our committee to make recommendations only for UUA sponsored events.) See Appendix B.

  3. That quiet sleeping hours be made more explicit and be enforced, since both adult and youth delegates were unable to discipline themselves accordingly under our "honor system" approach.

  4. That greater attention be paid to the need for easily accessible reproduction facilities and audiovisual equipment to aid in the decision-making process. Carleton was as helpful as they could be, but we could have used our own equipment.

  5. That other Unitarian Universalist decision making assemblies consider our consensus approach to large group decision-making. This was the most inclusive decision-making body any of us have ever been involved with.

  6. That the UUA Board distribute a copy of this report to every Unitarian Universalist society.


Translated from the original text document to htm by Lorne Tyndale, YRUU Programmes Specialist September 1993 - August 1994. The document was on I have placed the document on this site as I've been notified that appears to be down.

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