SCOYP -- Report of the Special Committee on Youth Programs to the UUA Board of Trustees
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The Special Committee on Youth Programs presents the following general recommendations to the UUA Board of Trustees for additional programs and opportunities for the strengthening of youth programs throughout the denomination.
A. Recommendations with regard to Summer Camps and Conferences for Youth
Although there are many camps and conferences for youth sponsored by the denomination, there does not appear to be either a formal or informal communication channel among them. The Committee believes that the opportunity to share experiences, information, and programs would help to strengthen our youth camps and conferences. The summer camp experience is potentially one of the most exciting opportunities for junior high and high school aged youth. It seems crucial that a network for this continental - wide sharing be established to continue the vitality of our camps for youth.
Therefore, we recommend that the UUA Board designate a person to contact representatives of each camp to discuss this need and to consider possible action, which could include a newsletter; a conference specifically for camp directors, staff, and other related persons; or a sharing of resources.
B. Post High School Age
The Comittee recognizes that its recommendations for the appointment of a Youth Adult Advisory Committee alters the nature and function of the present Youth/Adult Committee by recommending that the focus of the Committee be narrowed to youth generally of high school age. Therefore, we recommend that the UUA Board establish a distinct program, committee, or agency for denominational interaction with post high school age persons in the denomination.
C. UU Ministers and Directors of Religious Education
We recommend that the professional leadership within the UUA -- ministers and Directors of Religious Education -- strengthen and increase their involvement with denominational youth programs.
D. Support for Adults Working with Youth
We recommend that programs be developed to establish support systems for adult advisors of local youth groups and that local societies be encouraged to reimburse out of pocket expenses incurred by adults volunteering time to work with local youth groups.
E. Youth Involvement in Denominational Meetings
We recommend that the participation and involvement of youth leaders at denominational meetings be promoted. Continued involvement and interaction of youth and adults will contribute to denominational strength ancl growth.
F. Internship Programs for Youth
We recommend consideration of an Internship Program for Youth to work with professionals in our denomination. The purposes of the internship would be to: (a) offer an opportunity for youth to gain skills and a working knowledge of the UUA; (b) secure youth perspectives in the processes of our Association; and (c) demonstrate to youth that they are wanted by the adult community.
The actual development of this program could be the responsibility of the Associate Director of Youth Programs working with the Youth Adult Advisory Committee. Various positions could be with the head- quarters of the UUA, UUSC, the UU-UN office, camps, etc, Money to fund this program might be available from private or government agencies such as CETA. School credit might be available for some interns.
G. Youth Column in the UU World
We recommend the establishment of a designated "Youth Column" in the UU World for announcements of youth programs and activities and exchange of information.
Translated from the original text document to HTML by Lorne Tyndale, YRUU Programmes Specialist September 1993 - August 1994